Government's managment of legal aid
In this ‘Value for money’ report, the National Audit Office (in the UK) examines government expenditure of legal aid in order to form a judgement on whether value for money has been achieved.
In recent years, Ministry of Justice has commissioned several reviews of legal aid, following stakeholder concerns about access to justice and the sustainability of both the criminal and civil legal aid sectors. Increases in the number of criminal cases and impacts of wider government policy such as the Illegal Migration Act 2023 are expected to further increase pressures on legal aid and the justice system. The focus of this report is to evaluate the processes and information Ministry of Justice and Legal Aid Agency have at their disposal to manage the overall legal aid system and to ensure value for money, now and in the long term.
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- 2024_Governments management of legal aid
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- National Audit Office
- Onderzoek(srapport)
- Toegang tot het recht

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